Gender Change Fiction

The "Modified Image Fiction" section contains stories that were inspired by some of the graphics in the Modified Images section. Similarly, the "Earth-349 Stories" are fan stories of a world where many familiar heroes are of the opposite sex.

The other items below are TG stories which I've culled from old books and magazines. They're not new, but hey, they may be new to you...

Modified Image Fiction

Modified Image Fiction

Earth-349 Stories

Earth-349 Stories

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My Penis

My Penis
By Karen Wheatley as told to John Hughes
National Lampoon, November 1978

A normal teenage girl wakes up with...well, you know. Hilarity ensues.

Warning: Contains adult material and sexual situations. Not appropriate for minors.

My Vagina

My Vagina
By Larry Taft as told to John Hughes
National Lampoon, April 1979

A little quid pro quo for one of the Y-Chomosome set. And you thought your adolescence was tough...

Warning: Contains adult material and sexual situations. Not appropriate for minors.

The All-Girl Football Team

The All-Girl Football Team
By Lewis Nordan

Ok, so there's technically no transformation in this one, and the graphic on the left isn't even taken from the story. Still, this is a sweet tale of teenage crossdressing as a boy is drafted into dressing up as a cheerleader when the roles are reversed for a day.

(In case you're wondering, the picture is from the April 1999 issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and despite appearances is not TG in nature. The full cover image is here.)

The Wachsmuth Syndrome

The Wachsmuth Syndrome
By Stefan Heym
Playboy, September 1972

A man wakes up to discover that he has turned into a woman overnight. It turns out to be the first case of an epidemic of unexplained sex changes.

Stacked Like Me

Stacked Like Me
By Chris Miller
National Lampoon, May 1972

In a parody of "Black Like Me," a man decides that the only way to fully understand the women's liberation movement is to become a woman.

The Cleanup

The Cleanup
By John Skipp and Craig Spector

Three excerpts taken from a horror story where a man with reality-warping powers and a warped sense of justice punishes criminals for their crimes in strange and terrible ways.

Crewel Lye

Crewel Lye
By Piers Anthony

Three chapters taken from this fantasy book (part of the Xanth series), where a barbarian and a princess swap bodies due to a magic spell.

Man unzips a "woman suit"

I Was a Gay Male Drag Queen Trapped in the Body of a Woman
By Lynn Phillips
National Lampoon, March 1986

A short and highly satirical piece describing the problems of a woman with some serious gender issues.

There Is A Crooked Man

There Is A Crooked Man
By Jack Woodham
Analog, February 1967
Contributed anonymously

An interesting look at the crimes that may be possible in the future when new technologies are introduced. Two subplots have a TG twist: one in which a husband and wife desire to switch bodies, and another involving some crooks interesting in fixing horse races.

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